[Science] Where did Earth’s oddball ‘quasi-moon’ come from? Scientists pinpoint famed lunar crater - Apr. 2024

[] Earth’s weird ‘quasi-moon’ Kamo’oalewa is a fragment blasted out of big moon crater - Apr. 2024

[] Computer model helps support theory of asteroid Kamo’oalewa as ejecta from the moon - Apr. 2024

[ScienceAlert] This Crater Could Be Where Earth’s ‘Second Moon’ Broke Off The First One - Apr. 2024


[astrobites] Sednoids: Echoes of a Rogue Planet in the Early Solar System? - Nov. 2023

[Sky & Telescope] “Planet X” May Have Left Our Solar System Billions of Years Ago - Oct. 2023


[MacMillan Space Centre] Ask An Astronomer - Lunar New Year of the Rabbit - Jan. 2022

[New Scientist] A long-lost rogue planet could explain unexpectedly distant asteroids - Oct. 2022